Cutting 3D Parts up – When big just ain’t big enough

This is the second blog explaining the issues of when the parts we receive are too big for the machines we have at our 3D printing bureau. It is quite often the case you could fit a part in to the build envelope if you orientated in a different way but it would be detrimental to the part quality and the cost of the 3D printed part so we do offer to cut the stl data up.

The image above shows 4 parts that are 3D printed separately. Each part was 3D printed at our 3D printing service bureau on our in-house Dimension SST1200es. The build bed is 254mm x 254mm. The 4 parts above measure about 220mm x 160mm each so the finished part you understand is 440mm x 320mm and would not of fitted on the build bed as shown above.

At our 3D printing service bureau we have the software to cut stl files up using a wavy line. The wavy line gives you more surface area to apply the strong superglue we use to bond the parts back together. Each part took about 8 hours to 3D print and when the support material was removed we then had the task to start putting it all back together.

First we glue together in halves (see below).

Then finished off by joining the two halves together. It’s actually quite surprising how strong and accurate the wavy line is.

The finished part is now fit for purpose (have you guessed what it is yet) and it leaves another happy customer with a FDM ABS plastic part in their hand to test the form, fit and function of their design.

Just to remind you all that at our 3D printing bureau service we only use Professional Stratasys 3D printers that use FDM technology. We have two machines. One is a Dimension Elite 3D printer has a build envelope of 204 x 204 x 305mm and the other is also a Dimension machine that has a bigger build envelope of 254 x 254 x 305mm. These are considered to be mid-range as far as build envelopes go. Other 3D printing service bureaus have only the maker or hobbyist machines with a small 150 x 150 x 150mm build envelope.

Thanks for reading another case study from the fastest growing 3D printing service bureau in the Midlands. Please keep on visiting our site for more industry related news, blogs, case studies, special offers or contact us if you have any questions.

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30MB total combined size
Always include file extension

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