We don’t often go too much off the beaten track and try to stay main-stream but I think the heat must be getting to us at our 3D printing service bureau so I’d like to share with you this exciting story. Yes, you’ve probably all heard about it… It’s the 3D printed house! LOL, I hear you say but judging by the image below it is now becoming a reality.
The method of printing is very much like the FDM process. At our 3D printing service bureau we use a plastic filament that is extruded as a molten bead, however this machine uses a bead of……. Wait for it….. wet mud. Brilliant!
As you can see from the image below the mud is extruded through a nozzle and it’s built up layer by layer. The mud will harden and become rigid and strong enough or as strong as a traditional mud hut.
It might be worth a giggle but if you step back and realise the importance of such a project, it embraces a number of issues. For one, sustainability and eco-friendliness. By using local materials sourced at the site on which the houses will be built it will save travel and fuel costs to and from site. Two, It will harmonise communities in bringing groups or families together to reach a common goal. And finally, using modern technology to resolve a common problem, everyone needs somewhere to live and certainly in the UK there is a massive shortage of houses. I can’t see this technology being used in construction replacing traditional brick and mortar techniques for some considerable time but it will happen as we enter the next stage of another industrial revolution.
Just to remind you all that at our 3D printing bureau service we only use Professional Stratasys 3D printers that use FDM technology. We have two machines. One is a Dimension Elite 3D printer has a build envelope of 204 x 204 x 305mm and the other is also a Dimension machine that has a bigger build envelope of 254 x 254 x 305mm. These are considered to be mid-range as far as build envelopes go.
Thanks for reading another blog from the fastest growing 3D printing service bureau in the Midlands.